Dare to Imagine

God can do more than we can imagine! 

Can you stand on one foot? 

Can you hop up the stairs on one foot? 

Can you balance a book and stand on one foot? 

Can you climb in a boat on one foot? 


[Picture of Lee Spencer]

There is a man named Lee Spencer who only has one foot. 

He is a Royal Marine with the English Military. 

He lost a leg in a car accident when he was helping a person stranded on the road. 

He not only climbed into a boat – he rowed the boat all the way across the Atlantic Ocean! 


[Picture of Atlantic Ocean on Map] 

The Atlantic Ocean is big 

The Atlantic Ocean has big waves! [Pictures of waves] 

How did he get across the ocean? 

People helped him out – gave him money for food and cheered him on. 

Here is a picture of the boat he used.  


Do you know why he did this? 

He wanted to show that “no one should be defined by a disability.” 

Sometimes we might look at someone and think they cannot do something,  

But God wants us to look at people with open imagination: 

He could row across the ocean! 

He could be a new friend! 

She might help me with math! 

They might have a cool idea! 

As you meet people, be open to all that God could be doing through them. 


Let’s pray. 

God of all creation, you can do more than we can ever imagine! Open our minds and hearts to all the different people around us.  Amen.  


News Story: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-devon-47443233