How and Why to Worship God

Children’s Message by Rev. Kelly Jane Caesar on February 9, 2020

God is always there loving us,  

But we can do things that keep us from seeing God’s love.  

One of those things is rigid adherence to one way of worship.  

In our confession this morning we read together the words of the prophet Isaiah 58:1-12.

God is upset with the people for being so focused on how they worship that they forget to care for one another and their neighbors. 

People worship God in lots of different ways. 

People worship God… 

In buildings with stain glass 

Mid-13th century (Michael D Hill Jr/Sainte Chapel Stained glass I 

Outside in nature 

Silver Lake Hubbell Chapel 

Naples Florida, C3 Church on the Beach 

or Outside on the Street

Common Cathedral Boston MA

Some people praise God…

With arms raised up and lots of loud music 

Repetitive chants 

In silence 

In lines in pews like we have here.

In pews facing each other 

In a circle 

Kneeling on the floor with candles – as in taize in France 

Standing the whole time, like the Christian Orthodox

These are all Christian ways of worship!  

Jews, Muslims, and Hindus have lots of different ways to worship too.  

People worship God in various ways,  

but God care less about how we worship than what we do because we worship. 

Worship done right fuels us to love and care for others.