First Congregational Church of East Hartford is a diverse faith community overflowing with love for God and Neighbor.
We are:
Nourishing our relationship with God in interactive, music-filled, Christian WORSHIP.
Our Worship Priorities include:
- Christian: Bible-based, sacraments, and discussion of Jesus
- Music-filled: congregational hymns and choir
- Interactive: lay participation in worship leadership and interactive, less lecture style sermons/exploration of scripture
Nourishing our diverse community with deep FRIENDSHIPS.
Our Friendship Priorities include:
- Deepen Friendships through regular small groups, pastoral email, and visits with one another
- Diversity: deepen understanding of oppression and our Open and Affirming commitment through regular educational opportunities and update our building to be more accessible to all ages, abilities and genders.
- Intergenerational: support our Sunday School for children and other activities across generations
Nourishing our NEIGHBORS in collaboration with other faith communities and the wider church.
Our Neighborhood Priorities include:
- Support for the missions of the wider United Church of ChristÂ
- Working to disable racism in our society through education and action
- Advocating for GLBT Concerns by making our rainbow flag more visible
- Alleviating Hunger through the community garden and soup kitchen supportÂ
- Education through the Woodward House Education Program, YMCA, and Scouts